
Meeting A Friend for the First Time and Getting Punished by the Headmaster of the Academy

Looking at the Big Black Horse running away in terror, Ning Que suddenly understood one thing. Being the last and youngest student in the Academy, it was very likely that he would be the most spoilt student, but at the same time, he was the least powerful one.

He was uneasy because he didn't know what the Headmaster of the Academy thought of him. And the scene he just witnessed reminded him of his own situation. He said in great anger, "Who owns this goose? What an evil creature! How dare you bully my horse!"

"Young master, it is my master's goose."

A scared voice sounded from the direction of the meadow and the little servant of Second Brother appeared.

Of course Ning Que knew that it was Second Brother who owned this goose. He only dared to vent his anger on the goose when Second Brother wasn't around. But now his little servant had appeared, he wouldn't dare to kick the goose even if he was as brave as Ye Hongyu.