
Two Pearls on the Dark Walls

The last of the evening light disappeared and the capital of the Kingdom of Qi was enshrouded in darkness. The light emitting from the white temple did not disperse. The pious believers who were kneeling and immersed in the events gradually emerged from their reverie. They stared at the window, each thinking about something or another. Lights lit up in each household.

The doors to the room opened and Ye Hongyu walked out. Her beautiful face was just as cold as before, and devoid of any emotions. However, she could not hide the exhaustion between her brows.

Ning Que noticed her exhaustion and haggardness. However, he did not say anything but entered the room. He sat beside the bed and held Sangsang's slender wrist, perceiving silently.

After making sure that Sangsang's condition had taken a turn for the better, he finally heaved a sigh of relief. He tucked in the corners of her blankets and placed a fresh towel on her forehead before walking out of the room.