
The Divine Palanquin Moves North

Ye Hongyu did not say anything but looked at him silently.

Ning Que looked at her and continued, "Long Qing's continued survival is a threat to the West-Hill Divine Palace and the Tang Empire. I can't kill him, so you need to do it."

Ye Hongyu said suddenly, "Since he had betrayed the Divine Hall, he would not be able to continue living in Haotian's world. He would definitely leave the Central Plains and go to the Wilderness."

Ning Que said, "That's exactly what I am worried about. The Wilderness has no boundaries. Who can find him and his fallen knights if they hide in the Tianqi Mountain?"

"But to leave the Central Plains for the Wilderness, he has to either cross the Tang Empire or the Yan Kingdom. I don't think that Long Qing or his subordinates can do that."

Ye Hongyu said, "Because you have forgotten that there is someone that Long Qing wants to kill the most in the Yan Kingdom. Conversely, that person wants Long Qing dead the most."