
The Burning Horse Carriage

An arrow pierced into Ning Que's shoulder forcefully. The sharp arrowhead tore through his shirt, but did not wedge itself deeply into his flesh. It only left behind a shallow wound. Sangsang, who was carrying the black umbrella was slightly startled.

Several arrows rained down, and the big black umbrella that covered the two shook like a tiny black boat on a vast body of water. It felt as if their boat would sink into the bottom of the sea at any moment.

Leaving the White Tower Temple did not mean that they would be able to leave Chaoyang City. The Yuelun Kingdom had sent many troops from various counties who were in control of the entire capital. There were shooters in every street corner.

Ning Que's body was sturdy, but he was still slightly injured by the rain of arrows. The big black umbrella blocked most of the arrows for Sangsang. However, the holes on the umbrella were terribly dangerous.