
One Can Go on the Path When There Is a Path

The Big Black Horse lived in the Daqing Mountain this winter.

Without Ning Que's companionship, he did not feel upset or encounter any problems in his life. Instead, he enjoyed his freedom by chewing flowers, eating meat, seeking quietness, sleeping late, and basking in the sunshine. How happy life was! Even the dark cloud that enveloped Chaoyang city did not annoy him for over a half day.

However, countless powerhouses gathered in Chaoyang city recently like the clouds in the sky. Especially since this morning, the aura in the city became chaotic. The big black horse realized that his happy time was about to end. He had to find the thicket, endure the sharp thorns and break up the ground covered with thick fallen leaves.

His forehooves were very strong. With full strength, they were much more powerful than the hoe used by ordinary labors. It did not take long before he kicked off all the fallen leaves and dug a hole.