
Verdant Canyon Attacks

There were four key points to vanquish the Tang Empire: two were clear and two were hidden. The hidden two were the Haotian Taoism's secrets while the clear two were in the north and south on the map.

The West-Hill Divine Palace had badly failed to attack the Academy. The Abbey Dean of the Zhishou Abbey and the Eldest Brother were fighting all over the world, but they would be back at any time.

Since the Golden Palace and the Tang Empire were fiercely fighting in the northern wilderness, the pivotal battle that could break the deadlock and determine the war would be in the south.

The West-Hill Divine Palace coalition army was the real main force in the war. Since the Tang Navy had been annihilated, eight thousand Papal Cavalrymen of the Divine Hall who had trained for many years, as well as the hundred thousand troops of the South Jin Army, traveling across the Great Lake, entering Qinghe County.