
A Bright Moon Rises from the Mountains

Ning Que and Sangsang once passed through this verdant gorge on their way to Lanke Temple two years ago.

At that time, he found there were innumerable tactical arrays of talismans set by predecessors in the canyon, which could be triggered once strong enemies came to invade from the south. The collapsed gorge would stall the enemies, preventing them from reaching the hinterland of the Tang in a short time.

Then he immediately rejected the idea because even if his master, Yan Se, was resurrected, he could not mobilize so much Qi of Heaven and Earth and trigger the array at the same time on his own. This is just like what Ye Hongyu thought outside the Verdant Canyon two years later, that it was beyond human power—unless it was already prepared when it was built.

After a long while, the instantly collapsed Verdant Canyon finally stopped shaking. The 20,000 soldiers that were buried under the countless huge rocks had proved Ning Que's original judgment.