
Reaching For The Star

Ning Que and Sangsang became Buddhas, and to be more specifically, Buddhas of Heaven. All living beings must obey the Buddhas of Heaven. But Ning Que and Sangsang must take away the wills of all living beings if they wanted to completely control the chessboard world, which would take many years. Ning Que didn't want to wait anymore, so he reached out to hold the hilt.

Along with his dangerous movement, the world changed again. Countless Buddhas and Bodhisattvas on the big ship and in the field sensed the unprecedented danger and announced their names in shrill voices, like a cuckoo crying for blood. They kept releasing their Breath of Buddha to Heaven and Earth desperately and giving off more flourishing Lights of Buddha.

The Light of Buddha became extremely bright, and there was even some light passing through the lush leaves of the Bodhi tree on the summit and falling on Sangsang, making her face paler and paler.