
Ning Que And Sangsang Return And The Chessboard Goes Back

Ning Que appeared beside the chessboard, shabbily dressed and all wet. He was dark, thin, and exhausted, as if he was a refugee fleeing from famine.

The Seventh Sister, Mu You, felt pity for him and stepped forward to touch his head. Other elder brothers gathered around him and kept touching his head to express their mixed feelings.

They were very excited for they hadn't seen the youngest brother they adored for four years. But for Ning Que, it had been a millennium since he parted with his elder brothers and sisters. He was even more excited about the long-awaited reunion. A millennium had passed. Ning Que missed his elder brothers and sisters very much. Ning Que hugged the Fourth Brother, the Fifth Brother, the Sixth Brother to the Eleventh Brother and even Seventh Sister one after another. At last, he walked to the Eldest Brother and bowed to him.

"Eldest Brother, I am back."