
A Brand New Work

It was all ruins atop the peak. Broken walls and stones fell everywhere. A broken clock was rolling and murmuring in the tangled gauze. The dust-stained Chief Monk of Scripture walked to the hole and tried to stop the burning stream. He squinted to look for the chessboard in vain, and felt extremely upset.

It was catastrophic for the Xuankong Temple. Numerous yellow temples collapsed and thousands of monks were dead or seriously wounded. The soldier monks, Qi Nian, and other powerful cultivators of the Buddhism were also badly injured by the quake.

But those were not reasons for the Chief Monk's grief. He was upset because he would probably never see Buddha's chessboard again in his life, which meant that the Buddha probably could never come back to the human world.

The chessboard broke through the hard rocks and burning underground stream, fell into the flaming magma and was burned by the underground fire.