The Crimson Thunder

Amid the thick black smoke, the second Crown Prince of the Jade Emperor was extremely exasperated.

Of course he was! He had been captured by Zhou Bao at the Treasure-snatching Rock and imprisoned in the Dark Garbha-mandala Canopy. There was no light, no sound, no airflow and no distinction of time and space, only complete darkness. He was able to withstand such an environment only because he was an Immortal. Otherwise, he would have gone stark raving mad.

"Crown Prince! It's good that you're still alive!"

"Zhou Bao, how dare you!" At the sound of Zhou Bao's voice, the prince's eyes glowed with rage and his divine thoughts shot out. But it couldn't penetrate the dark poison gas around him. "Release me immediately! Get on your knees and be my slave. I'll ask my father to forgive you. Or, I'll—!"
