The Seven Wonderful Techniques and Deva's Five Decrepit Phenomena

The device spirit of the Pool of Thunder Tribulation signed the contract without any second thoughts.

Yes, a new contract with Zhou Bao.

In order to have absolute control over the Heavenly Fairy Weapon, it was not enough to merely refine the weapon. The surrender of the device spirit was also necessary. But this couldn't be achieved only through a contract. It also had something to do with the spirit. The device spirit had its own spiritual intelligence and could not be forced. Therefore, the contract could only be signed when it was willing to. That was what Zhou Bao was doing right now.

The contract didn't guarantee absolute submission from the device spirit. What Zhou Bao could do now was to make sure they signed an equal contract, which would protect his interests. Even when they met the Thunder Emperor, the real creator of the Pool of Thunder Tribulation, the device spirit wouldn't change sides.

This was enough!