Fiendish Demon Wraiths

Murderous intent flashed across Saint Lady's deep, glittering eyes. She continued, "You don't need to get yourself involved with the Qis. The imperial court and the Yin and Yang Sect will take care of them. With your current cultivation, they would crush you like an ant."

Blackie was disdainful. He muttered, "So you think you are that great? Pretending to be the big bad wolf? If he hadn't saved you, you would have been crushed by Qi Hong yourself! You might die an even more horrendous death."

Dark furrows appeared on Saint Lady's forehead. Had her cultivation not been lost, she would certainly have taught the cat a painful lesson.

"Shut up."

Zhang Ruochen scolded Blackie. He glanced over at Saint Lady, smiling apologetically. "I'm sorry, Your Excellency. This cat deserves a slap across the face. He's always so rude. Don't take it to heart."