The Chimes of the Bell

Zhang Ruochen kept striking with his palms. He forced the Demons Fierce pouncing on him to back away, one after another.

The Qi of the Demons Sly and his masculine Qi were diametrically opposite. In the tomb forest, the two Qis clashed with a loud boom.

There were at least 300 odd Demons Fierce. Each one was more powerful than a Monk of the Seventh Change in the Fish-Dragon Realm. If all of them gathered and struck together, they might even destroy a weak Half-Saint.

They were not, however, very intelligent. They could not use combined attacks or strike an enemy together. Their attacks were highly disorganized. This gave Zhang Ruochen a chance to break out from their encirclement.

After about a quarter of an hour, Zhang Ruochen had forced his way into the depths of the tomb forest.

After moving forward 2,000 meters, he finally edged to the last of the crowd of Demons Fierce.


A sinister wind blew and a bell chimed.