The Test

Due to the serious injuries, Zhang Ruochen's eyelids got heavier and heavier and finally losing his consciousness.

It was already the evening of the second day when he regained his consciousness.


Pushing his palms against the stone bed, Zhang Ruochen bolted upright from lying prone with the strength gained from the rebound motion.

He examined his recovered arms and stretched around, and soon realized all of his injuries had healed completely.

However, his face hardened as soon as he realized his Spatial Ring and Spatial Bracelet were missing.

Many of his treasures were kept inside the ring and the bracelet.

"What happened?"

Zhang Ruochen massaged his sore temples, trying to recall what had happened before he passed out. He remembered seeing a silhouette of Sword Saint Feiyu.

His eyes widened, "Could it be she who took my belongings?"

Hastily he walked towards the cave abode and found her figure in there.