Mysterious Sword Tomb

In the middle of the Pluto Sword Tomb, there was a pyramid mausoleum that absorbed all the energy from its surroundings. It being in the center symbolizes its importance as the center of Heaven and Earth.

Meanwhile in the palace.

Veins were building on Wang Jie's face. He was agitated. "Father, Ling Feiyu is too arrogant! I'm the eldest son of the Clan Leader, and I've apologized to her, but she does not accept it. I can endure the humiliation, but she's being disrespectful to you, tarnishing your reputation and honor. I can't tolerate this, Father."

Wang Jie did not get Ling Feiyu's forgiveness even though he had knelt before her for the entire night.

He was a Half-Saint and the son of the Clan Leader. Ling Feiyu might be a Sword Saint, but this was a huge humiliation to him.

The whole tribe of Guardians of the Prison were laughing at him. Particularly, Shi Ren must have made fun of him behind his back.