Blood Demon

A blood red skull, ten meters wide with spear-like canine teeth and demonic flame burning in the eye sockets.

If the owner was alive, how gigantic would the body be?

And what would it look like?

Zhang Ruochen did not chase after the skull. He knew it would require much strength and power to defeat the skull, let alone with the injuries he had.

Looking worried, the Saint Lady commented, "That skull probably belongs to the Blood Demon."

"Blood Demon?"

The name did ring a bell. Other than the time when King Xianlan mentioned it, Zhang Ruochen had heard of the name some time before.

The blood red skull went further and further, to the point where Zhang Ruochen and the Saint Lady could only see a small dot of red light glowing in the dark.

The surroundings returned to their cold state.

It was then that Zhang Ruochen noticed the King's body was already a dried up carcass. It was like all of his Blood Qi had been sucked dry.