All Four Letters Have Been Delivered

It took them five days to return to the ground. Looking at the snowy mountains, brilliant sunshine, and the icy stream flowing beneath mountains, everything seemed wonderful after the near death experience.

Meanwhile, the Saint Lady had recovered from her injuries. Her skin was glistening amidst the fog, looking angelic like how she had always been.

She stood beneath a snow mountain to bid Zhang Ruochen farewell.

"Do me a favor before you leave!"

Zhang Ruochen took out the icy box he'd found on Mei Lanzhu, and said, "This box is sealed with complicated spells. I cannot open it with my Spiritual Power."

The Saint Lady took the box over and studied it for a moment.

She then hovered her hand over the box.

Immediately, the protective layer of spell shattered like a piece of fragile glass and disappeared.

Zhang Ruochen was impressed.