Sir Mu Qian

A red beam of electric light streaked through the sky. Countless dense electric currents solidified in the sky. The grassland between the mountains was turned to ash.

Even with Zhang Ruochen's spiritual mindset, he still felt depressed at that moment. It felt like the sky was about to fall down.

His face was shockingly pale.

Crackle, crackle.

Thousands of beams of electricity converged. A tall and thin elder appeared between Saint Chen Yi and Chen Xi. The elder's hair was all white and hung down to his knees. He was frail with jutting bones, but he wore a brilliant golden robe.

There were many eye-catching sun prints on his robe. Upon closer inspection, the sun prints were actually spinning. Each print seemed like a world.

This was Sir Mu Qian.

Saint Chen Yi and Chen Xi bowed once again and said in unison, "Greetings, Master."