
"You're suicidal."

Sir Mu Qian was shaking because of his indignation. He raised his crystal scepter, and all of a sudden, hundreds of lightning bolts flew out, forming a lightning fall.

It was apparent that Sir Mu Qian had great achievements on mind power, easily surpassing Tianluo Saint.

There was spiritual Qi everywhere in this sky and land. They all turned into lightning as if the air had been all sucked away.

"So, so powerful…"

Zhang Ruochen had already sanctified his mind power, yet he still felt that his consciousness was crumbling. He had an enormous headache as if his skull was going to crack.

Chu Siyuan shook his rope. He still looked chill, stepping on the lightning and walking toward Sir Mu Qian.

As he walked down, he crushed the mind power field of Sir Mu Qian. Zhang Ruochen and Huang Yanchen felt that the pressure on them had gone.

Chu Siyuan stared at the front.
