Four Major Worlds 

Seeing Zhang Ruochen appear, everyone was relieved. Mu Lingxi and Qing Xiao were the first to welcome him.

Qing Xiao's expression was serious. "What did you find out?" he asked.

"Those Evil Way cultivators must have set up traps all over, right?" Mu Lingxi asked. They'd been stuck in the Mirror Fragrance Dojo and didn't know about the outside world. They only thought that Zhang Ruochen had returned so quickly, so he must not have conquered the Yin and Yang Palace.

Zhang Ruochen looked at each person. "Hurry and pack up. Follow me to the Heavenly Capital Mountain."

Qing Xiao and the Nine Heavenly Maiden didn't have anything to pack up, so they stayed in place.

Seeing that Zhang Ruochen's expression was dark but also composed, the Nine Heavenly Maiden asked, "Did you already think of the perfect plan against the Yin and Yang Palace?"

"The Yin and Yang Palace has already been destroyed," Zhang Ruochen said emotionlessly.