Shocked Truth Heavenly Domain

The dawn came, and two shadows showed up near Moon Goddess's dojo.

Whoosh Whoosh!

Their bodies were mist. The creature standing at the front had three black tails, and the creature behind had two tails.

Qing Mingzi, with three tails, formed his body and opened his palm, looking at the golden dragon scales on his hand. He mumbled, "This is the date we're supposed to meet Zhang Ruochen. Is he going to fulfill his promise?"

Xiao Nansheng, standing behind, was a half-step saint king, and he was the most outstanding disciple of Qing Mingzi.

Qing Mingzi asked, "Have you prepared the materials for the six saintesses and seventh female half saints from Virtual Spirit Field?"

"I have," answered Xiao Nansheng.

"Zhang Ruochen won't just let us take the people away. He'll definitely check their materials to confirm their identities."

Qing Mingzi was meticulous enough to make some preparations.