
Leaving Peakless Mountain, Zhang Ruochen put on the Meritorious Armor of Flowing Light and brought the Head Rat along. They traveled at a thousand times the speed of sound toward the 66th Sub-Terminal of Merits, which was nearest to Peakless Mountain.

When they were about to arrive at the 66th Sub-Terminal of Merits, Zhang Ruochen and the Head Rat parted ways, with the Head Rat continuing toward their destination first.

Assuming that the Head Rat was ready, Zhang Ruochen finally took his time to enter the 66th Sub-Terminal of Merits.

"Zhang Ruochen!"

Cang Long emerged, his eyes filled with spite.

Life had been smooth sailing for him. Never did he expect that Zhang Ruochen would screw up his life. It was his biggest disgrace in life, which could only be washed away with Zhang Ruochen's blood.

Zhang Ruochen walked over slowly with a smile on his face. "Have you brought what I want, Cang Long?"