The Return of the Implement Spirits

Rumors of Zhang Ruochen converting Ruan Ling and making Cang Long a cuckold quickly spread throughout not just the Kunlun realm but also the various macroworlds in the Celestial Court.

Cang Long became a laughing stock in a very short time as people everywhere were talking about him.

Consequently, Zhang Ruochen's reputation soared again. Compared with stories about him killing hundreds of thousands of Infernal Court cultivators, it seemed that people enjoyed hearing such gossip more.

Zhang Ruochen did not have time for such rumors since he was rushing back to Peakless Mountain with the Head Rat.

Upon arriving at Peakless Mountain, Zhang Ruochen parted ways with the Head Rat and went up to Saint Water Peak alone.

As soon as he arrived before the Saintess Palace, Qi Feiyu came out to greet him with a smile. "The Lady has gone into retreat, Mr. Zhang. You won't see her for the time being."

"Retreat?" Zhang Ruochen frowned.