She Passed Away

After a long while, Zhang Ruochen exhaled and calmed himself down once he snapped out of his thoughts.

The return of the Supreme Artifacts' implement spirits was a good thing for the Kunlun Realm. Although they still could not intervene as they wished in the meantime, they could play an important role at critical moments.

It was a pity that the Azuresky Pagoda had been taken away and Zhang Ruochen had lost a huge trump card of his. However, that was something inevitable. No one could keep the Supreme Artifact once the implement spirit returned.

As the restraint on the Head Rat was lifted, he immediately came up beside Zhang Ruochen, his mung-bean eyes darting around with fear.

"What is the situation now, Master Zhang? Who are the two old men? Where are they?" asked the Head Rat in a low voice, for fear that the two old men were still nearby.