Bookworm and Moha

The bamboo valley was a quiet and peaceful place in the imperial city. It was surrounded by mountains and rivers and was overgrown with bamboo. From Afar, it looked like a beautiful painting.


The Rainbow Pavilion was located in the bamboo valley. It was far away from the hustle and bustle of the mortal world, and very few people came.


The Rainbow Pavilion had existed for 100,000 years, and it has always stood upright despite the changes in the world.


In the past, Master Fangcun, Saint Monk Xumi's eldest disciple, had left behind all sorts of techniques in the Rainbow Pavilion. The dimensional teleportation array that he had set up to the location of the Saturn Peach Tree was guarded by the Nalan family for generations.


Only the blood from the direct descendants of the Nalan family could activate the dimensional teleportation array.


Emperor Wen had been doing this before Kunlun became a Battlefield of Merits.