The Clash of An Era

In the depths of the bamboo forest surrounding Rainbow Pavilion, there was a large peach forest. It was currently the season for the peach blossoms to bloom. Each tree was full of pink and white peach blossoms. It was a beautiful sight like in a dream.








Bookworm and Moha were covered in blood as they stood outside the peach forest. They did their best to resist the attacks of the Infernal Court's elites and prevent them from entering the forest.


Both of them were very tough. They were the powerhouses of the Saint Kinghood across all realms. Moha, in particular, was almost comparable to Yan Wushen when he had first fused with both his good and evil side.


If it weren't for Zhang Ruochen and Yan Wushen, Moha would have been the most prominent figure of this era.