Lingxi’s News

Lord of Stone wore the Meritorious Armor of Flowing Light he had gotten from Zhang Ruochen. He burst out at 5,000 times the speed of sound and traveled more than 800 miles in an instant. He stabbed out with the Azure Terra sacred spear, aiming for Thandee's back.


Thandee struck out with his lance, colliding with the Azure Terra sacred spear.




Large sparks spread out from the spears.


Energy ripples spread out in all directions.


Lord of Stone's true body was the AzureTerra Stone that even gods couldn't break. The reason why he was able to gain sentience was that he had fused with the spiritual wills of the six fallen gods, he had been nurtured in the Dragon Temple ruins for close to a Yuanhui period.


It could be said that he wasn't much weaker than Lan Ying, a Divine Fetus.