Blackie Has Returned

Hoth was enormous. It was so massive that it didn't resemble a planet. It seemed interminable. Zhang Ruochen never reached the edge of Kunlun. He had no idea how big the Hidden Barrens was or how far the sea stretched.


A snow-covered world like Hoth gave him the same feeling.


Only when he was alone would he think about the size of the world and realize how small he was.


When a man thought about the size of the world and the vastness of the universe, he was obviously lonely.


It was the loneliness sensation from the heart.


Zhang Ruochen had been in the Infernal Court for a long time. He had met many cultivators, but he always felt lonely. It was as if his mouth did not belong to him. Very few words he said were true.


Because there was no one around him whom he could tell the truth to.