Mist Forest

Shangguan Hui had short, center-parted hair and was always dressed in long-sleeved tops and long pants, making her look like a man.

On the first few days, her gender could hardly be distinguished. After a few classes, the students in Class 2 of the Sword Dao faculty could confirm her gender.

Apart from her attire, her personality seemed like a man's as well. She was not as emotional as females and was capable of analyzing problems rationally. This was the reason why she was close to most females as they treated her like their best male friend. They would look for her to analyze their problems if they encountered any.

Her roommate, Zhou Ling, was completely different as she was a straightforward person. She was not tall at barely 1.6 meters. However, she had a sweet-looking face, and in addition to her fame, she was the ideal girl that many of the boys in the class liked.