Come and Chase Me

When the clock struck noon, the five of them gathered at a peaceful lakeside at a position marked with a tree branch earlier.

"Let's discuss the current update on finding the badges." Shangguan Hui gazed at the three of them other than Zhou Ling.

"We did not discover any monsters, but we managed to find three silver badges very quickly," Yang Jie and Zhao Ze updated her about the outcome of their discovery.

"I encountered an iron-level rank-2 Ironhide Pig and immediately came back. However, I found two silver badges on my way back," Si Tuhao told her what he had discovered as well.

"The both of us didn't encounter any monsters as well. We've found three silver badges and a gold badge," Zhou Ling said with a smile.

"According to the number of badges we have, we've now accumulated 18 points. We can collect 30 points by killing an iron-level rank-2 Ironhide Pig. We should think of ways to hunt it down," Shangguan Hui suggested.