It's the New Year

Although more than three hundred people had scaled the mountain, many of them came from the same family. Therefore, all Fangzheng needed to write was slightly more than a hundred couplets.

While Fangzheng wrote, Wang Yougui was responsible for flipping the pages. But soon, Wang Yougui realized that he could not keep up with Fangzheng's speed! Ouyang Fenghua quickly came to their aid. One person flipped the pages quickly, while the other prepared the red paper for the couplets, placing them in a spot for Fangzheng's convenience. Fangzheng wrote from one corner to the other, and he was having the time of his life.

Soon, he finished more than a hundred couplets!

The villagers and the members of the Calligraphy Association looked at the couplets they received while beaming with joy. Such excellent calligraphy was rare. They felt that they had made a killing!