Master Acts Cute Too

Fangzheng was immediately amused. His hand trembled. Kacha! Another picture was taken.

Fangzheng was amazed at how good it came out! He continued snapping more pictures.

The squirrel also seemed to know what Fangzheng was up to. This time, he tugged at Fangzheng's ears and widened his mouth like he was about to chomp down on Fangzheng's ear. His expression looked rather fierce.

Fangzheng shared it on his social network and added a tagline, "Aiyah, I'm being bullied by a ferocious squirrel. My ears are in peril. Save me!"

He sent it out without much thought and did not expect anyone to reply to him. After all, he only had four friends—Zhao Datong, Hu Han, Fang Yunjing, and Ma Juan—on WeChat.

But… Ma Juan, who was preparing to set off fireworks at home, happened to look at her friends' Moments out of sheer habit, and she chanced upon Fangzheng's picture.