Move Along

Li Xueying winked to Fangzheng mischievously, she mouthed, "Remember to thank me."

She started waving the men outside, "Alright, gentlemen. A monastery is place of tranquility. If we are talking about anything else, it's best we take it outside."

The group of people was led outside by Li Xueying.

Fangzheng heaved a sigh of relief once everyone left. He felt as though he had survived a tribulation!

Although he was not the culprit, who would believe him if he claimed that it was Monkey's fault? It was impossible for him to gather everyone to communicate with Monkey, proving that he was intelligent and the thief. When the time came, it would have been impossible for him to escape the blame. In worse scenarios, it was normal for him to be remanded and put in prison for a few days. If the news spread, his reputation would be ruined.