Introspecting Confession

When Lone Wolf realized Fangzheng was being serious, he turned to run. Monkey followed but unfortunately for him, could not run fast enough.

After a merry chase, Fangzheng led them to kneel in front of the Buddha plaque in the temple hall. Behind him were the wolf, monkey and squirrel. Squirrel and Monkey were in better shape as kneeling did not put too much pressure on their forelimbs. Lone Wolf nearly cried. It was just too tough on him!

Fangzheng said, "The three of you just became intelligent but your bestial nature has not changed, especially Monkey. You liked to steal things in Baiyun Monastery. Back then, you were a wild monkey in the mountains so no one taught you otherwise. But now that you have entered One Finger Monastery, you are This Penniless Monk's disciple. It's This Penniless Monk's fault for not teaching you well."