Kindness Exceeds Paragon Beauty

After a momentary loss of words, the women suddenly laughed out collectively.

Fangzheng was flabbergasted when he saw this. What was happening? They were not angry but instead were laughing?

A beautiful girl with a black mole under her chin laughed the most absurdly as she pointed at Fangzheng, "Master, I thought you would never mention it. I never expected… Haha… I'm dying from laughter. You bitches, give me back the money you took! Wahaha… I knew it! Venerable Fangzheng would never disappoint me!"

The other women lamented. "Venerable Fangzheng, why are you this pure and innocent? Just pretend as though this had never happened. Boohoo! A month's pay is gone…"

"That's right, Venerable Fangzheng, you are too much. I still wanted to return and brag to my sisters that a monk fell in love with me, so much so that he stole my undergarment," said another bespectacled woman while doing her best to hold in a laugh.