Master's Energy

Fangzheng was instantly amused with what he saw. He never expected an international Heavenly Queen to have such a playful side to her. He replied: "Alright. Mt. One Finger finally has a good mountain path and most importantly, it has handrails. There's no need to worry about people falling off accidentally."

"That's awesome!" Li Xueying sent another custom emoticon. It was of her body leaning back, with her thumb nearly pressed against the screen.

"Patron, how many of these custom emoticons do you have? Did you really create an emoticon set?"

"Of course, it's a work of yours truly! All rights reserved, not to be used by others!" Li Xueying sent another emoticon. It depicted her standing akimbo with a smug look.

Upon hearing the term 'all rights reserved,' Fangzheng was shocked. He smacked his bald head and laughed. He sent her a reply: "Patron Li, could I ask for your help with something?"