This is Great Merit!

"Baby, what did you…" Qin Xiao looked at her child with a pained heart.

The child looked up. "Mommy, I, I wanted to cook for you, but… Sob!" the child wailed out loudly.

Qin Xiao went over to embrace the child with a pained heart. Her heart ached for her child as well as the rice. They did not have much money left and could not afford to waste any food. But she knew that she could not berate the child on this matter.

At that moment, Qin Xiao's cell phone vibrated once. Qin Xiao took a look and saw that there was a client! She immediately wiped the tears from her face. "Alright, Baby, it's alright. Mommy will clean it up later."

With that said, Qin Xiao quickly unlocked her cell phone's screen.

"Boss, are you there?"

"Yes, which shoe model caught your eye?"

"This model of yours is too expensive. Others sell the same model for fifty, but you sell it at a hundred and eighty. Can't you sell it cheaper?" The other party connected.