Up The Mountain Again

"It was alright. Just a bit over a hundred yuan for a box." When Wang Yougui said that, he wore a complacent look. For a box of four mooncakes to cost over a hundred, those were definitely some extravagant mooncakes. At the very least, he wouldn't bear eating them himself. Then he asked Dog Song, "What kind of mooncakes are yours?"

Dog Song chuckled. "I spent a huge sum. I bought the best mooncakes there were. They were made with backyard chicken eggs, imported ingredients, and handmade by a hired chef! Just one box cost more than three hundred!"

Upon hearing that, Shao Min, Zhao Gang, and Xue Zong were astounded. Someone was actually going up the mountain to deliver mooncakes to the monk? For real?

Shao Min could not help but mumble, "There's no way there's such a coincidence, right? Could he have heard our complaints and found someone to put on an act for us? This monk cares too much about his face."