Squirrel? Stew It

At this moment in time Fangzheng, Monkey, Lone Wolf, and Red Boy surrounded Squirrel and glared at him angrily.

"Master, actually, only we wanted to see what all the fuss outside was about. It was Jingkuan who said that he had to guard the mooncakes with his life so that he could have the first bite. He refused to leave, so we handed the mission of guarding the mooncakes to him and left. That's why Jingkuan's responsibility is the greatest for us being out of mooncakes now. I think we should have roasted squirrel for dinner tonight," said Red Boy.

Lone Wolf prodded Squirrel's bulging belly and said, "Look at how fat this guy is. We don't even need to add oil when throwing him into a pot. It's all fat."

Squirrel looked pitifully at everyone when he heard that. "About that… I-I only went out to take a look… Who knew it would char so quickly? Master…"

"Master, we are monks, so we can't kill, right?" Monkey said.