Riding the Wave

Fangzheng smacked him the moment he heard that and lifted him by his tail, throwing him onto Lone Wolf's head. "You glutton, all you know is to eat!"

Squirrel looked pitifully at Fangzheng and immediately countered with what he had learned. "Master, you already said that it's instinct for us…"

Fangzheng was amused in his anger, but he still replied, "As for the eating traditions, different places have different customs. Southerners believe goat and dog meat heat people up and help people get through the winter. Northerners like us are different. There's a popular phrase in the north: 'Good food can't be better than dumplings; good fun can't be better than your sister-in-law…' Ahem. Anyways, we will be eating dumplings today. So first, we will head down the mountain to buy flour, and then we'll make dumplings!"

"Alright!" Squirrel was really someone who didn't care about anything as long as there was food to eat. He jumped up in happiness.