Everything For Eating

"Master, you can tell from the smell?" Red Boy asked curiously.

Fangzheng smiled. "How can I not tell having eaten it since I was little?" Then he changed the topic and patted Red Boy on the head. "Good child, it's show time for you."

Red Boy looked at Fangzheng with welling tears. "Master, can't I not do it, please?"

Fangzheng smiled. "Of course you can."

"Really?" Red Boy asked nervously.

Fangzheng nodded. "Of course, but after we return to the mountain, we should have a good chat. Besides, you aren't young anymore. It's time for you to start attending school."


A gust of wind stirred up a cloud of dust as Red Boy vanished.

Squirrel looked at Fangzheng in puzzlement. "Master, what's Junior Brother doing?"