Silhouette Under the Sun

"Amitabha. That's right. Why are you so impatient? You are so big, and they are so small. How can they hurt you? If you don't understand the situation, can't you run? Why must you kill them?" Fangzheng sat cross-legged in front of the elephant as he nagged.

The elephant's head nodded like a primary school student being reprimanded by their teacher. It seemed sincere to turn over a new leaf.

Elephants were cute to begin with, so when it nodded, it became even more adorable.

Jin Jiatong, who had been scared out of his wits, couldn't help but burst out laughing when he saw this. He never could imagine the big boss in the mountain forest would be reprimanded by someone like this.

At the same time, Jin Jiatong was even more curious. Was the monk in front of him human?

Jin Jiatong brought Little Sun to Fangzheng and bowed. "Thank you, Master."

Fangzheng smiled at Jin Jiatong. "Not running anymore?"