Useless Monk

Fangzheng knew that even he could not achieve such a realm, but the little girl had done it.

Fangzheng could not help but admire and like this young girl.

At this moment, Jin Jiatong seemed to have a question, but he hesitated a few times.

Fangzheng naturally knew what he wanted to ask. After seeing Fangzheng's abilities, Jin Jiatong naturally recalled what Fangzheng had said. Fangzheng had said that he could cure Little Sun's eyes.

Previously, Jin Jiatong had treated him as a bad person with bad intentions and thought that he was lying to him.

But now, Jin Jiatong clearly wanted to give it a try… However, with his distrust previously, the thin-skinned him couldn't bring himself to say it.

Without Jin Jiatong saying anything, Fangzheng pretended not to know. He chuckled as he looked ahead.