Studying is Fun

Upon visualization of these three uses, Zhao Youyue very soon came to a realization. The first option was within her expectation, which allowed her to wield the abilities of "Xu Jing" in reality. This way of use could actually be perpetual, because Xu Jing was already an iconic character. As long as the readers remembered Xu Jing, they would grant her unlimited willpower which could then be absorbed by Zhao Youyue.

Now, the second option, was to allow "Xu Jing" to trade the abilities of this iconic character for the abilities of another iconic character. Having sacrificed "Xu Jing's" character card, she could then select to enter another literary world. Not to forget, her previous literary world was but another slice-of-life world of the lowest energy level. Thus the next literary world she was going would also be a slice-of-life world without any superpower.