Fall in Love with Xu Jing

Zhao Youyue wanted to post her dark secret into Su Li's fanpage group. She would use her status as "Sect Master", to instill Su Li with a guilty conscience. Unlike other readers, she did this just because she want to stand up for "Xu Jing". She felt wonderful for having Xu Jing, the iconic character card, which she totally fallen into.

No matter what situation, Zhao Youyue felt like she would not sacrifice Xu Jing's character card easily. Unlike Xu Jing's character setting, Zhao Youyue was a precious daughter in the family, her parents were healthy too. Xu Jing however, faced great limitation in learning, as she had to help her mother with chores, and taking care of her father who was very ill.

Zhao Youyue had plenty of time to learn, but she lacked the perseverance to do so. Even though she knew she had to change, she always could not resist her urge to play with her mobile phone, thus making her wasted precious time on meaningless entertainment.