News of Her Death

On the day "Setsuna" died of illness, Zhao Youyue was still able to traverse the world "White Clover," and possessed "Altair's" body. On that particular day, the world was aquatic in nature. It was a world under the sea. An octopus-like creature had pioneered its civilization.

Zhao Youyue felt that she had traveled into an alien planet. This was something that she would never be able to achieve in reality. Now, she was realizing it through the "Two Dimensional Gate."

The work "White Clover" might not be able to give her any ability, as it was not very popular, and most readers disliked it. However, as the heroine of this Doujinshi novel, Zhao Youyue was having a wonderful time within its literary worlds.

It was like enjoying a one-time, free of charge, grand trip, without even needing to look out for herself, as this "Altair," with her maxed out 'Mystery' attribute was almost invincible.