Candlelit Virgil

Zhao Youyue was very shocked to learn of the news!

Throughout all of her exchanges with "Setsuna," she never once noticed that "Setsuna" was seriously ill. Instead, she had been so lost in her admiration of "Setsuna's" passion in writing and overflowing vitality.

How could such a writer possibly fall ill?

This Doujinshi novel, "White Clover" was a work with almost zero popularity. Its popularity had not increased, even with Zhao Youyue's heavy involvement. Everyone had expressed that the meaning of those words escaped them completely…

Yet, "Setsuna" had been able to continue writing such a novel. Zhao Youyue got to bask in the beauty and wonder of many worlds as she took the heroine's spot. She had grown deeply ingratiated towards "Setsuna."

In a sense, this work existed only for Zhao Youyue.

Of course, "Setsuna" had created this for her self-gratification.