An Average Person's Intelligence

As the saying goes, "a man's name, a tree's shadows" [1]. If it was an average reader trying to strike up a chat about her work, let alone criticize it, Professor Chen's response towards them would always be the same two words – No thanks.

Professor Chen was absolutely unaffected by her readers' opinions. Of course, she had not started out that way. As she gained experience, she soon learned that only by not giving two hoots about her readers' opinion would she be able to freely create whatever she wanted, thus retaining a peace of mind…

She would only wear herself out trying to please everyone. She might even deviate from the main plot, leading to the collapse of the work.

For that very reason, she had completely ignored her readers' opinion for a long time. She did not even concern herself with her fans group. This lowered the chances of some overly-enthusiastic reader coming forward to tell her how she should write her novels.