Cuties Could Always Be Forgiven

This time, Zhao Youyue decided not to transmigrate into "Endless Apocalypse" and randomly select a character to possess. She decided to carefully lay the foundations for an easy victory by going for the creator first.

That's right. She had sacrificed a highly-popular character card for this. She would not settle for anything below a 90% chance of success. If not, why else would she sacrifice her character card?

Zhao Youyue described her envisioning of "Chu Xuan" to Professor Chen in detail. Firstly, she had to be from the military, with a high rank to boot. Everyone would affectionately call her, "Colonel Chu."

At the same time, Chu Xuan would be a first-generation, genetically modified person. She belonged to the technical military services branch. On top of that, she would be a mad scientist with brilliant ideas, while also being outstanding in all areas of science...